Twenty-Three Weeks

written March 23rd

Before I get to the normal stuff, allow me to share two crazy pregnant lady stories.

Story #1: Today at work I couldn’t find my Reese’s. I was furious because someone stole them. Then I found them in my desk drawer…. I forgot that I hid them in the drawer so no one could steal them.

Story #2: Earlier this week in a foodie Facebook group I’m in, someone asked what they could do with leftover prime rib. Growing up, we always made beef taquitos with leftover roast, so I suggested that. Then of course I couldn’t stop thinking about beef taquitos and had to have them.

I put a roast in the crockpot this morning so I could make them tonight for William’s first night back home after his work trip in Chicago. I made guac for me, queso for him, and rolled and fried some perfect golden brown taquitos. I pilled my plate high with four taquitos and lots of guac.

Half way through the first one, I exclaimed that the taquitos were all I’d hoped they would be (which was important because William was convinced I wouldn’t like them like the one time I craved fish sticks and hated them and the one time I craved McDonalds and didn’t like it).

Two bites into my second one I somewhat aggressively put it back on the plate and said, “I’m getting full and I’m really mad about it!”

William looked at me like I was crazy and said, “Why do you look like you’re about to cry??”

“I’m mad because it’s so good and I want to keep eating but I can’t!”

And then he just laughed at me for a while.

Pregnancy in a nutshell! Crave things, get mad about things, forget things, repeat.

Now on to the normal stuff!

how far along: 23 weeks and 5 days, almost 6 months

size of baby: chinchilla (ovia), papaya (what to expect), bunch of grapes (ovia), yule log (ovia), pear (baby story), grapefruit (baby pics), banana (baby story). chinchilla or yule log are my favs, but those don’t come in the picture apps so went with grapefruit.

maternity clothes: the only non-maternity things I can wear are swing dresses, swing tops, and sized up yoga pants. so yes.

symptoms: I accidentally didn’t take my steroid for 1.5 days and my rash flared up. oops! I had an OB appointment this week and she wants to start weaning me off so it’s out of my system by glucose test (apparently steroids spike blood sugar). I’ve been on 40 mg for two weeks, now 20 for a week, then 10 for a week, then off. fingers crossed! she’s keeping me on Benadryl at night and Claritin during the day and adding Zantac (which apparently helps with allergies too, not just reflux). other than that just the normal stuff – growing belly, winded easily, lots of bathroom breaks. oh and I did have leg cramps one night this week.

cravings/aversions: nothing major to speak of.

movement: YES!! she moves all the time and I love feeling it.

sleep: no complaints other than my hubby was out of town this week and I missed him in our bed.

gender: baby girl.  

looking forward to: working on the nursery this weekend with hubs! and our first baby shower is less than a month away, so that’s fun and exciting.

worries: mildly worried the rash is going to spread and go crazy when I’m off of the steroid fully.

milestones: nothing major. as mentioned, I had an OB visit this week. they gave me the stuff to drink for the glucose test in 4 weeks, and then we move to appointments every 2 weeks! excited to be able to hear or see her more often.

best moment this week: hearing her heartbeat during appointments is always a high point! I got to hang out with some friends this week I haven’t spent a lot of time with lately and their excitement about meeting the baby and that I actually look pregnant now was fun!


outfit: non-maternity dress bought on but the brand is Maurice’s. non-maternity up-sized Danskin yoga pant leggings from


Other posts: Finding Out | Four Weeks | Five Weeks | Six Weeks | Seven Weeks | Eight Weeks | Nine Weeks | Ten Weeks | Eleven Weeks | Twelve Weeks | Thirteen Weeks | Fourteen Weeks | Fifteen Weeks | Sixteen Weeks | It’s a… | Seventeen Weeks | Eighteen Weeks | Nineteen Weeks | Twenty Weeks | Twenty-One Weeks | Twenty-Two Weeks

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