Six Weeks

(written November 24th)



outfit: non-maternity long sleeve flowy peasant top from Belk’s Lucky plus brand. non-maternity work pants (aka “fat pants”) from Belk’s Kim Rogers plus brand.

how far along: 6 weeks and 5 days

size of baby: sweet pea

maternity clothes: nope. and I can still fit in my jeans! however, my “fat pants” are much comfier.

symptoms: still very sleepy, and tmi, but major constipation issues.

cravings/aversions: reheated leftover thanksgiving turkey wasn’t my favorite, and not all thanksgiving food was appealing.

movement: too soon!

sleep: lots of middle of the night using the bathroom.

gender: no idea, but my skin is dry and some people say boy and I’m not sick which also points to boy, but I don’t think all those rules really work.

looking forward to: being done with the first trimester!

worries: ready for my next appointment to know the heartbeat is higher.

milestones: we had our first appointment! baby looks like a grain of rice. doctor said everything looks good. heartbeat was 89 and she would like it to be higher so going back in 2 weeks.

best moment this week: SO MANY! seeing the baby and tiny heart thump, finally realizing we’re pregnant, telling family over thanksgiving, SO GREAT!

Other posts: Finding Out | Four Weeks | Five Weeks

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