Meal Planning 101: Week 29

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It’s 10:42 pm on Monday night as I’m writing this Meal Plan Monday post. Brief explanation (or excuse) for the lateness: I usually prep these posts on Saturdays or Sundays. Saturday I attended a fundraiser pancake breakfast, had Jesus time at Starbucks for several hours, prepped blog picture for future posts, conquered the art of self pedicures and manicures (DIY cuticle care included!), straightened my hair, put on makeup (for the first time since… Christmas?), attended a BFF’s 30th birthday celebration, hosted the Nancy Drew watching, nail painting, after party, and then spent the night with her so she didn’t have to have the unpleasant after party every one is gone feeling. Sunday I attended a membership class at church, went to church, grocery shopped for a dinner party I forgot I was hosting when I did last week’s meal plan, cooked ALL afternoon (pictures of the dinner ensemble below), hosted the dinner party, went to the new RA reveal night, had my first meeting with my new next year RAs. Today for my day off I slept for a significant amount of time for the first time in days, got a needed hair cut, attempted Starbucks Jesus time, grocery shopped for my next two weeks of meals, worked out, filed my taxes, ate dinner, had my weekly meeting with my accountability partner, packed my lunch, and made coconut quinoa granola (pictures below, recipe to come soon!). AND approximately 2.5 minutes after I post this I will fall asleep, all exhausted and the like.

My RAs picked an Italian theme for our dinner party, chipped in money, and I cooked! Pizza Dip + Homemade Baguette Chips
 (not pictured) + Garlic Bread + Baked Rigatoni + Salad with Homemade Italian Herb Dressing (not pictured) + Fruit Pizza. 
I’m trying to be super healthy this week to go along with finally starting to work out again. Confession: Today was my first time to work out since boot camp, which ended on March 21st. It felt good! So lots of green things on the menu. 


Leftover Baked Rigatoni (Basically used Pioneer Woman’s Baked Ziti, except using Rigatoni and changing up the sauce a little.)


More Leftover Rigatoni (Did I mention there were A LOT of leftovers? Pasta dishes really are made to feed armies!)


Greek Fish Tacos (tortillas + honey lime baked tilapia + baby kale for lettuce + hummus + julienned cucumbers + tomatoes), Chick Pea Tomato Salad and Lime Pinenut Couscous (As mentioned earlier, I forgot I had the dinner party when I planned this meal! So it got pushed back, which is okay because it’s just allowed my excitement over it to build!)


Leftover Fish Tacos


Some Combo of Leftovers (My town is playing a movie on the old town brick streets! I volunteered to help serve popcorn, so I’ll probably pack a to go dinner of some sort.)


Big Steak Mushroom Entree Salad


Leftover Steak Mushroom Entree Salad

Lunch Ideas: 

new michelina’s lean gourmet meal test + green giant singles corn & peas + CHEERWINE (brought a case back from SC)
another new michelina’s lean gourmet meal test + green giant singles corn & peas + cuties


Coconut Quinoa Granola for snacks and breakfast!
If it’s wrong to own every size of mason jar, I don’t want to be right! 

What’s on your menu for this week? 

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